Determinants of Tourism Demand Intended Turkey: The Case of OECD Countries

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Ümit Şengel
Burhanettin Zengin


This study, aims to determine the factors affecting the tourism demand intended Turkey from  OECD countries. Tourism demand can vary according to the social, political and economic development of the countries. OECD countries were preferred in order to include countries with similar characteristics in the study. The constant increase in travel movements that are the source of Tourism causes countries that want to take a share of the tourism market to care more about the demand for tourism. In this sense, the study is important in terms of providing information about the tourism demand from the main elements that will allow Turkey to take a share of the tourism market. Panel data analysis was used in the study. In the analysis of the data, ordinary least squares, fixed effects and random effects models were used with the STATA program. 26 years of data from OECD countries were analyzed. From the factors that may affect the tourism demand intended Turkey , socio-demographic, tourism and travel and technological variables were included in the analysis. According to the results of the study, it was found that these variables affect the demand for tourism in Turkey in different directions and with different severity.

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How to Cite
Şengel, Ümit, & Zengin, B. (2021). Determinants of Tourism Demand Intended Turkey: The Case of OECD Countries. Journal of Business Academy, 1(4), 310–323.